About US


After months of talking, a dozen of Cambodians from the various parts of the United States gathered on July 4th, 1988 in Arcata, California, to discuss the Cambodian problems and the fate of the Cambodian people. From this lengthy and serious discussion and under the spirit of unity and reconciliation, KHMER ALLIANCE FOUNDATION (KAF) was born and became legally incorporated under California’s laws on January 3, 1989.

KAF as a charitable and educational organization was granted tax exempt 501 (c)(3) status and operated on a volunteer basis. Beside members of the Board of Directors, other people who are interested in the development of Cambodia joined the organization or participated in the development and implementation of KAF programs.

KAF serves Cambodian people in America and Cambodia since 1988 through charitable contributions from generous people across the United States and Canada.

The board of directors of the Khmer Alliance Foundation for the period of the years 2023 and 2024:

* Mr. Srorn Ros, President

* Mr. Sar Van, Director of Programs

* Mr. Bonj Hoy, Secretary

* Mrs. Thach El, Treasurer

* Mr. Srorn Ros, Web Master

* Mr. Bunthan Oum, Member

Registeed Agent:
* Kimhak Chum, California

Registered address: 2710 Terrace Ave, Arcata, CA 95521

Principal office address:
1208 Solar CT NE
Olympia, WA 98516